「下を向いていたら、虹を見つけることはできないよ。」(チャールズ・チャップリン)”You’ll never find a rainbow if you’re looking down.”

“You’ll never find a rainbow if you’re looking down.”

Charlie Chaplin 1899-1975
English actor, filmmaker, and composer

You can’t change things outside your brain, like other people or the past. Look forward and up, not behind or down. If you always look down, you won’t notice a rainbow in the sky. Rainbows and stars are in the sky, but if you don’t make an effort to see them, you won’t see them. Once you can see a rainbow, you can count the colors of the rainbow. You just don’t notice it, but joy and opportunities are actually overflowing near you, around you, in your daily life. What’s important is whether you can notice, or make an effort to notice, that there are joys, happiness, and opportunities. You can see rainbows and stars if you try, and you can’t see them if you don’t try.

My Choice


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