「目指す港がないような航海をしていたら、どんな風が吹いても助けにならない。」(モンテーニュ、フランスの哲学者)”No wind serves him who addresses his voyage to no certain port.”

No wind serves him who addresses his voyage to no certain port.

Michel de Montaigne 1533-1592
French philosopher

Do you know where you want to go? When you are sailing on the open sea, it is not as if you just happen to arrive at the port you were aiming for. If you know your destination clearly and keep thinking about it, you will be able to notice even the most minute changes in the sea and sky that others might overlook, and you will be able to use the wind that blows by chance or fate to your advantage. So, if you are setting sail, it is better to decide the port you are aiming for before you set sail. Which port do you want to go to? If you have decided that, you will boldly face any storm that may come, and on days when the waves are calm, you will be able to face yourself in the midst of the nature of the open sea, raise the sails straight and without hesitation, and sail the ship towards your destination.

My Choice