「ひとつのドアが閉まっている時、もっとたくさんのドアが開いているんだよ。」(ボブ・マーリー、ミュージシャン)When one door is closed, many more is open.

When one door is closed, many more is open.

Bob Marley 1945-1981
Jamaican reggae singer, guitarist

There is not just one door. There are countless. Do you realize that? When the door in front of you is closed, you may feel like that is the only door and even be crushed by sadness and despair. But that is not the case at all. When a certain door that is blocking your way is closed, if you look at other doors, you will see that there are countless doors. You are free to choose any door. The more you look, the more doors you will see. Moreover, you can even create your own doors. So you should never be discouraged. If the door is closed no matter how much you push or pull it, it shows you that there is another way to be happy. On the contrary, it is wonderful that you have tried so many times to open the door. Cheers to your challenge. So now, with your extraordinary determination and courage, let’s go through another new door.

My Choice

「私の人生を変えられるのは私だけよ。誰も私のためにそんなことやってくれないわ。」(キャロル・バーネット、米国の俳優・歌手)”Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.”

Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.

Carol Burnett 1933-
American comedian, actress, singer

Like you, everyone is preoccupied with themselves. Are you living your own life? Are you choosing your own life? Only you can shape your life, not anyone else in the world. You are the one who decides everything in the end. Time will not wait. The sand that falls downwards in the hourglass never flows upwards. We’re going to ask you again. Are you living your life, not someone else’s? Are you creating and choosing a life that you are proud of, not for others, but for yourself?

My Choice

「夢、これ以外に将来をつくり出すものはない。」(ヴィクトル・ユーゴー、『レ・ミゼラブル』著者) ”There is nothing like a dream to create the future.”

There is nothing like a dream to create the future.

Victor Hugo 1802-1885
French novelist best known as the author of “Les Miserables”

Dreams. As a child, you could innocently dream, but as you grow up, you may have become more realistic. Dream at any age. People live as they think. We become the people we think about. Because people act according to their thoughts. This means that if you change your thoughts and actions, you can change. You can become anything. As long as that dream comes from the depths of your heart and you can continue to be passionate about it. Dream. Let’s build a ladder to the stars. People can change at any age. Don’t worry about what others think, just pursue your dreams. Your dreams.

My Choice